C1 Video Games

 Wednesday 18th September

Video Games

Lo: To explore the history and context of video games

Do Now 2/2

1) Media forms are print media, social media, television, books, magazines, digital media.✓ Radio, video games, news.
2) You can access the media online, from magazines, film trailers, everyday life ( posters, billboards, advertisement)✓ Cinema

Decade                 Game                              Features 

1970s-       Space Invaders                    Attacking aliens, caused a shortage of coins

1980s-      Mario Brothers                    Mario becomes world wide

1990s-      Sonic                                   Hero for Mega drive

2000s-      Sims                                    Simulation game

2010s-      Fortnite                               The game earned $2.4 billion

Uses and Gratification Theory

- Formed by two men named Blumler and Katz
- What people do with the media
- The theory states that an audience will use a media form for either one of these four reasons:                    Personal Identity, Information, Entertainment, Social Interaction.

Baseline Test: 
Explain why audiences play video games refer to the uses and gratification theory in your response.

The uses and gratification theory explain why people enjoy playing video games.The uses and gratification theory states an audience will use a media form (video games) for one of four reasons: personal identity, information, entertainment or social interaction. Some may play a video game for any one of these reasons. A popular video game is Call of Duty as you can connect with people online to play with friends or family, it may have personal identity connections as you may aspire to be a soldier or know someone who is/was a soldier. However, i think the main reason people enjoy this video game is the entertainment people get from it. All of these things prove Katz & Blumler's uses and gratification theory because people playing this game use it for entertainment, social interaction and personal identity. Or a game like Fifa people may use this game for personal identity as they as aspire to be a football player, manager or team owner. Another reason may be information about players and stats.

T: 3. try to build an argument to respond to the question and include more examples of the PIES
Wednesday 25th September 2024
Case Study: Fortnite
LO/ to research the case study and explore the context of video games

Do Now 5/5

1) PIES ✓
2) Personal Identity ✓
3) Information✓
4) Entertainment✓
5) Social Interaction✓

1-  Playstation, x-box, pc
2-  It is mobile 
3- It has increased as it is easier to access video games                                                                  
4- Advertising other games, people buying expansions to the game 

Augmented reality is an interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information
18 to 34 years make up 36% of of video game players.

Research Task: 
  1) Fortnite is produced by Epic games ✓
  2) Fortnite was released in July 2017 ✓
  3) Fortnite has made over $5.63 billion ✓
  4) Another game in the franchise is Fortnite creative ✓
  5) Gameplay: to defeat all the other player with collected weapons and materials on an island before a natural disaster ✓
  6) Battle Royale- Genre ✓
  7) Instagram, Tik-Tok, you-tube✓
  8) Multiplayer online games ✓
  9) Social interactions, simple base idea, made popular by online influencers, free to play ✓
10) People play for social interactions and entertainment ✓

Epic Games was started by Tim Sweeney's in 1991
Fortnite originally ran from his house
Tencent bought a 42% stake in Epic in 2012

Wednesday 2nd October 2024
Exploring context
LO: To explore the context of video games

Do Now

1) Epic games ✓
2) 1991 is when epic was started 
3) Battle, survival, build ✓
4) personal identity, information, entertainment, social interaction ✓
5) Interactive experience with real world and computer-generated perceptual information ✓ 

 Prince Harry-  
According to the news Prince Harry says: Fortnite is addictive to keep you on your computer and feels it should be banned.The world health organisation: there is an official disorder for addiction to gaming.
I disagree with Prince Harrys opinion because i think this is although viable to a certain extent but the banning of Fortnite seems excessive as people will find a new game to play and become 'addicted' to that. As well as this it takes the game away from everyone not just 'addicts' it take it from people who enjoy playing the game responsibly.

 Healthcare Triage
 He is certain there is no link between violent video games however there is a link with violent thoughts. The analogy he uses is if you read a sad book you feel sad thoughts. And the research he shows prove this like a study that showed children who played (violent) video games were calmer in a frustration test than children who don't. Another  main argument which counters Prince Harrys's is that banning video games is not the solution but making sure parents/guardians stick to age limits/rating when allowing children to play possibly violent video games. I agree with the points he makes in the video and how he explains and expands on his ideas using research and factual information to support his argument. I think video games can make a person think violently but as long as age ratings are followed the person will not be anymore violent than without video games.

 Media Insider Bandura

Albert Bandura's experiment consisted of  children aged 3-6 watching a video of adults portraying violent behaviour against the bobo doll. After this the children were put in a room with a bobo doll and they acted as the adult in the video had acted (violently). Bandura says violence in media which we can relate to video games, encourages copycat behaviour. I agree with this to a certain extent because it is proven by this experiment but also the children are copying an adult which all their life they had been taught to do, so if this was on a teen or adult who is less influential the outcome may have been very different. As well as this as a small child in an unknown environment your behaviour may be different and you may act as you feel you are expected to. I think if we were to do a similar experiment with teens and adults playing a violent video game and then putting them in room with weapons which resemble the ones in the game/s they would not attack or act violent because at an older age you have a better understanding of right and wrong.

I believe that video games do not create violent behaviours. The main points for video games creating violence are Bandura's experiment and an increase in addiction to violent video games. The main points for it not creating violent behaviours are many tests which have shown the outcome to be that video games dont make people more violent and in a frustration test they are actually calmer.


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